Dragon Ball Super Card Game - Unison Warrior Series 15 Boost UW6 Saiyan Showdown - Booster Box

Sale price$59.99


Product Description

Release Date:  5th November 2021

The strongest Saiyans battle for victory! Hero Saiyans like Son Goku, Son Gohan, and Son Goten take on villain Saiyans like Vegeta, Broly, and Turles 

Returning characters get new Leader Cards, former archetypes get buffed, and more!

Xeno Shadow Dragons are completed and Omega Shenron: Xeno makes their DBSCG debut!

Each box contains 24 Booster Packs
Common × 60 normal/holo ver.)
Uncommon × 38 normal/holo ver.)
Rare × 30 (normal/holo ver.)
Super Rare × 23
Special Rare × 9
Secret Rare × 4
*292 types total

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